
I'm still alive

I have a lot to blog about, like how I sat next to Chris Fedak to watch the season premiere of Chuck, and how real-life annoyances and irritations can make for excellent dramatic fodder, and how sunning by the pool in a five-star hotel in Santa Barbara doesn't really help productivity...

...but I don't have time for any of it. So I'll just share this treasure trove of BBC scripts that I found today instead. Now we can all learn to write in English.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That abstractions can enfold and enfold to precipitation. What be that?

Ruse, siren's call.

Nay-another ship to venture forth?

My earth be flat when dealing with twice enfolded hours, pages big as the sky.

A witless knave....I?

What be truth, when deailing with the creative...the earth be there flat. Flat as the stage.

Tomorrow, teach me courage that you did harvest from others more bold. Fill the 60 to full dimension.

Inspire me, your ladyship.

Tools for living the sages doth say.